Kilian Jornet in the Northern Lights

A very creative project with superstar Kilian Jornet, on a tight schedule and bad weather forecast... Only two nights to get all the job done, but luckly I was with my team Bertrand Delapierre, Marc Daviet and Erwan Lelann as creative as they are efficient! The CGI and compositing has been done from MédéO, a great video production company, located in the heart of the Alps. Have a look on the final project, watch it full screen,with a good sound-system, activate the captions, grab a coffee and enjoy!

The aurora borealis experience

The aurora borealis (also known as the Northern Lights) and the aurora australis are a natural phenomenon created through the interaction between charged particles of the solar wind and the upper atmosphere. The auroras occur primarily in those regions close to the magnetic poles (source Wikipedia). You can plan for this incredible phenomenon by following the aurora forecast on websites like

On location - (trying to) follow Kilian

Some pics from Marc Daviet & Bertrand Delapierre, during the shooting with Kilian. Read more stories and feedbacks on the Marc Daviet's blog


2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Magnifique !!
Où est ce filmé, en Norvège ?


Kyom007 a dit…

Oui ! C'est dans les fjords vers Andalsnes, pas très loin du célèbre Trollveggen